First Christian Church welcomes all who seek to follow Jesus into the life and membership of our church, regardless of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, ethnicity, marital status, physical or mental ability, family configuration, political affiliation, economic circumstance or theological perspective. In our church, ALL means All.

You’ve just found a Christian Church…
and that means you’ve found something special.
A movement for wholeness in a fragmented world.
Disciples of Christ seeking new ways to follow Jesus.
Come and see. Be transformed.

…a Worshiping Church.
We share communion every Sunday.
Jesus ate with everyone. No hoops. An open table.
Preaching? Sharing? Silence? Yes. Yes. Yes.
Come as you are.

… a Serving Church
We encourage you to listen for God’s call
to serve your neighbor in need.
Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.
Advocacy. Healing. Caring. Sustainability.

…an Intellectually and Spiritually Curious Church
We speak the truth we know,
but we don’t claim to know all the truth there is.
Always learning, always praying, always searching.
Ready to share your faith journey.

…a Community of Equals
You are a good gift from God
and will be treated with dignity, honor, love and respect.
We make decisions by consensus
Your voice matters. You will be heard.